
This is the will of God that Christ both did and taught:
Humility in dealings with others..
Steadfastness in faith...
Modesty in words...
Justice in deed...
Mercifulness in works...
Discipline in morals...
To be unable to do a wrong, and to be able to bear a wrong when it is done...
To keep peace with the brethren...
To love God with all one’s heart...
To love God because he is a Father but fear him because he is God...
To prefer nothing whatever to Christ because he preferred nothing to us...
To adhere inseparably to his love...
To stand faithfully and bravely by his cross...
When there is any conflict over his name and honour, to exhibit in discourse that steadfastness in which we proclaim him...
In torture, to show that confidence in which we unite...
In death, that patience in which we are crowned.
This is what it means to want to be co-heirs with Christ, this is what it means to do what God commands, this is what it is to fulfil the will of the Father.
(St Cyprian's treatise on the Lord's Prayer, Thy kingdom come)

Lord God, strength of those who hope in you, support us in our prayer:
because we are weak and can do nothing without you,
give us always the help of your grace so that, in fulfilling your commandments,
we may please you in all we desire and do.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.

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